Topic: Failure to convert slideshow [Resolved]
Have been working with tech support for several days. It is a very slow process when you don't get a reply for 15-16 hours. 25 minute slide show halted at 19%. Redid and it halted at 28%. Dedicated and it halted at 48%. Contacted tec support andd they suggested I load latest video driver. I did so and restarted the conversion four more times with various stalling out times. Each time the counter of minutes to complete kept going up and up. Left it in stalled state for 1 hr, then 3 hrs, then 10 hrs. Re contacted tech support. They asked for me to run a system check bat file. Did so, but then discovered that the ticket support site did not accept the upload of the text file created by their bat file. You would think they might know that. Converted the text file to PDF and submitted. Waited another 12 hours to get message that I should install a didderent video driver, but before I did so, I discovered that the file they were asking me to use was actually the original video driver I started out with. Are these guys serious about helping? And why does it take so long to get a response. I know I didn't pay a lot for this software, and there are plenty of other competitive products to choose from, but I actually kind of like the way this one worked until I got to outputting. In order to solve my problem of outputting in a timely manner, I had to break show into pieces, reassemble in another program and output.I needed show by tomorrow and just could not wait for days of bad advice to finally get results.