Topic: Unable to create a video slideshow [Resolved]
I bought the application three days ago and prepared a slideshow for an 18th birthday.
I need help here. I made an hour long slideshow project with 500 photos. I tried creating a video slideshow for PC but I aborted creating a video because it was stuck at 6% after 1 hour 30 min elapsed time and time hours left 25 hours and was still counting.
So I deleted most of the photos and just left 40 photos for a 4 min slideshow and left the computer for hours but again the processing was stuck at 39%. Time elapsed was 11:12:23. Time left 18:38:05 and was still counting. I really like the SmartShow 3D slideshow I made and would like to have it on video.
I already asked help from support center last night but until now nobody replied. I need the video four days from now.
I hope somebody can help me on this one.