Topic: Need equipment tips for playing my slideshow at an event

I'm making a slideshow for my parents' wedding anniversary - we're renting a restaurant and a lot of people are coming, so I'll obviously need to rent a projector to play the video. So here are the questions.
- Not sure which format to choose so it looks as great as in preview - will it run smoothly if I export to full HD, I mean, won't there be any delays or other issues due to the file size? Or shall I just play it right from Smartshow on my laptop?
- Does the cable type make any difference? I see there are some options like VGA, DVI, HDMI. Will the cable affect playback in some way?
Any advice will be greatly appreciated!

Re: Need equipment tips for playing my slideshow at an event

I am curious about this subject also.  I am putting together a slideshow for my granddaughter's 16th birthday.  Lesley has been very helpful getting me through this.  Check the troubleshooting section and see the thread there to see if it offers any assistance.  I still have one issue about some of the slides coming onto the screen with sort of a vertical column of horizontal lines on the right-hand side.  It's almost like they're not catching up or something, so I don't know if it's a setting that I have to change.  Once I saved it onto the laptop hard drive and played it through the windows media, the quality was much better than seeing it through the smartshow. 

I bought a relatively inexpensive projector since I figured I would eventually be making more and since you can also watch movies through it.  I used the VGA cable and also the HDMI cable.  I think the quality with the HDMI was better, however, I still have to get the problem of the lines resolved. 

I will be watching for any suggestions.